Women's Ministry

Our Women's Ministry is full of Godly women ready to love,Women's Leader- Christy Morris support and guide you through fellowship and prayer!  Every Luncheon, Bible Study & Women's Trip we have, deepens the connection between each of us and the Lord.  We'd love to see you, check the Calendar for information on our next event!

Women's Leader- Christy Morris

Men's Ministry

CrossOver's Men are full of the will and fire of God! Whether it's a conference, Men's Leader- Jerry McKneelybreakfast or bonfire we're having a blast and spreading the Word of the Lord. Check out the Calendar for more information on our next event, you don't want to miss it! 

Men's Leader- Jerry McKneely


Our Ushers are ready to serve any need that you may have, with a Head Usher- Clifford Berrysmile and an open door. 

Head Usher- Clifford Berry

His Feeding Ministry 

Our Mission is to reach out to our community with the message of God’s Grace His Feeding Ministry Pastor- Gary Matthewsand Love. We are here to help guide the Lost to the Light, show the weary where to find rest, and to point the cast down to one who will lift them up.

His Feeding Ministry Pastor- Gary Matthews

© Copyright2025 CrossOver Ministries